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Merative SPM Virtual Assistant

GitHub repo

This cookbook and its associated artifacts are provisioned through GitHub.

Download the spm-chatbot repository on your development system and use the steps in the next sections.

Install Git

Git is the distributed version control system on which GitHub is built. Usually Git is already included on development systems. If Git is missing, however, you can get it from Getting Started - Installing Git.

Before you begin

To clone the repository locally, use the command:

git clone

The Git clone command creates a folder that is named spm-chatbot in your current path. This folder is referred to as $SPM_CHATBOT_HOME for the remainder of this cookbook. The following list outlines the three subfolders in the $SPM_CHATBOT_HOME folder:

  • cookbook/: This folder contains the source files for this runbook. Do not modify the source files.
  • samples/actions: This folder contains the IBM Cloud Functions® action files that are used to retrieve data from the Merative Social Program Management (SPM) application. For more information, see Creating a function.
  • samples/skills: This folder contains the sample skill that you can import into your IBM Watson Assistant. For more information, see Importing a skill.

If you want to make local modifications to any of these files, you must create a local branch so that you can continue to pull the latest code from the master branch without accidentally overriding any local change.

However, Merative does not currently support any external contributions, such as pull requests and forks, to this repository.