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Merative SPM Virtual Assistant

Edit an IBM Cloud Function action


Use the proceeding steps to edit the IBM Cloud Function action that you created to include the sample code that is provided as part of the Git repository.

For information about how to invoke your action or any troubleshooting issues that you encounter, see Troubleshooting.

Edit actions

Copy the content from each of the sample actions to your newly created actions.

Edit the caseworker action

The following steps outline how to edit the caseworker action:

  1. From Functions > Actions > curam-rest package, select the caseworker action.

  2. From the left navigation section, select Code.

  3. Copy the content of the caseworker.js and paste it into the code section.

  4. Click Save.

  5. From the left navigation section, select Endpoints, select Enable as Web Action and click Save.

  6. Copy the URL under Web Actions.

  7. Go back to the Code section, and update the value for the cfEndpoint const to paste the value of the URL.

  8. Remove the caseworker.json at the end. For example:<name>
  9. Click Save.

Edit the person and verifications actions

The following steps outline how to edit the person and verifications actions:

  1. From Functions > Actions > curam-rest package, select the person action.

  2. From the left navigation section, select Code.

  3. Copy the content of the person.js and paste it into the code section.

  4. Update the value for the env const to point to your environment. For example:

  5. Click Save.

  6. From the left navigation section, select Endpoints, select Enable as Web Action and click Save.

  7. To edit the verifications action by using the content from the verifications.js, repeat the steps.

Customizing an action

If you want to customize one of the sample actions, or add your own action, you may need to take the following information into account:

  • The caseworker action is the entry point into the actions, and is what gets invoked from Watson Assistant. It determines which other underlying actions to call. If you add a new lower level action, you will need to update the caseworker action to call your new action and pass along any required parameters.
  • If you create a new action which calls to a REST API in SPM, you will need to ensure you add the authorization and referer headers to the API request. Details of how to retrieve the value for the authorization header from the webhook and pass along through the actions and to the REST API may be copied from the sample code. The referer header should be set to a value of curam://<name>.
  • The sample code does not send an accept-language header when calling the REST API in SPM, and so the default fallback of en will be used by the API. If you require the REST API to return attributes that contain localizable text in another language or locale, you can update the sample code to add an accept-langauge header to the API request.