Skip to main contentMerative SPM UI Addon Development Environment

Prerequisites and supported software


Node.js is a prerequisite for installing the Merative Social Program Managment UI Addon Development Environment and for developing and deploying your application pages.

Supported softwareVersionPrerequisite minimumOperating system restrictions
Node.js20 LTS (latest)20.12.2 LTSNo
18 LTS (latest)18.20.2 LTSNo

Merative Social Program Management

UI Addon Development EnvironmentSocial Program ManagementIBM Carbon, 8.0.2, 8.0.3v10, 8.0.2, 8.0.3v10

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

The SPM UI Addons Development Environment does not depend on a specific IDE, you can choose your own. There are many IDEs that you can choose, such as Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Atom, or Sublime. However, Merative uses Microsoft Visual Studio Code to develop Social Program Managment UI Addons, it supports many plugins that make development faster and easier, for example it supports the following tools:

  • Linting tools (ESLint)
  • Code formatters (Prettier)
  • Debugging tools (Debugger for Chrome)
  • Documentation tools (JSDoc)

Merative does not own, develop, or support these tools.

The repository includes some basic configuration for Microsoft Visual Studio Code and you can download more plug ins as necessary.  The IDE also has a terminal to run commands.


The open source software is hosted on GitHub so we recommend that you use Git for source control.

Git: The Github Guide to Installing Git is a good source of information.