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Tuning the HTTP server pods


The following information describes how to tune the HTTP server, which is typically used to host the Social Program Management (SPM) static content, and the web applications that are built by using assets such as the IBM® Universal Access Responsive Web Application.

Optimized to serve static content, HTTP server pods work alongside application pods to offload resources that can be applied better for dynamic content.

Static Content Server pod


The number of replicas serving static content in a deployment can be specified globally via web.replicaCount, which can be used to amend the default single instance.

Pod requests and limits

The Static Content server pod cpu and memory resource requests and limits can be specified by setting cpu: and memory: values for the web.resources keys.

The following example illustrates how to set the number of replicas to 3, with resources requests for the cpu of 1 and a memory of 1024Mi, and with resources limits for the cpu of 1 and a memory of 1024Mi:

replicaCount: 3
cpu: 1
memory: 1024Mi
cpu: 1
memory: 1024Mi

Universal Access Responsive Web Application pod


The number of replicas serving static content in a deployment can be specified globally via uawebapp.replicaCount, which can be used to amend the default single instance.

Pod requests and limits

The Universal Access Responsive Web Application pod cpu and memory resource requests and limits can be specified by setting cpu: and memory: values for the uawebapp.resources keys.

The following example illustrates how to set the number of replicas to 3, with resources requests for the cpu of 1 and a memory of 1024Mi, and with resources limits for the cpu of 1 and a memory of 1024Mi:

replicaCount: 3
cpu: 1
memory: 1024Mi
cpu: 1
memory: 1024Mi