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Batch Processing

The Kubernetes object that is being created by using the code in this repository is a CronJob, which is scheduled to run every 30 minutes. Therefore, initially no pod is listed, but a pod is started after 30 minutes and is visible when you run the kubectl get pods command.

The schedule can be adjusted using the batch.programs.queued.schedule key.

The pod runs the standard command runbatch. For more information about the standard command runbatch, see Running the Batch Launcher in the Social Program Management Cúram Operations Guide.

The Social Program Management PDF documentation is available to download from Merative Support Docs.

At the end of the execution, the pod stops but is not destroyed and a new pod is created after another 30 minutes. Access the log by running the kubectl logs pod/podname command.

You can delete the pod by running the kubectl delete pod/podname command.