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Azure Kubernetes Service


As of Release 23.6.0, the AKS version used to verify this runbook is 1.25.

What is AKS?

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a Kubernetes service provided by Microsoft Azure, designed to streamline the process of deploying and overseeing Kubernetes clusters.

As a certified Kubernetes provider, AKS simplifies cluster management by delegating operational tasks to Azure. AKS takes takes care of the Kubernetes control plane and streamlines the configuration of worker nodes. AKS also provides intelligent scheduling, self-healing, horizontal scaling, service discovery and load balancing, automated rollouts and rollbacks, and secret and configuration management.

The Kubernetes service also has advanced capabilities around simplified cluster management, container security and isolation policies, the ability to design your own cluster and integrated operational tools for consistency in deployment.

This highly secure environment for production workloads has built-in container-level security, including isolation policies, CIS-hardened infrastructure and broad industry compliance (including PCI, HIPPA-ready, SOC1, SOC2 and more).

For more details, see Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).


Note that the free trial is not suitable for this implementation. But it can used as a sandbox to explore Kubernetes.

For AKS commands and demos, see Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).