Skip to main contentMerative SPM on Kubernetes


Merative Social Program Management (SPM) was enhanced in version to enable it to be deployed on cloud native hosting platforms. While SPM could be cloud hosted in a IaaS cloud delivery model, this model cannot leverage the benefits of flexibility, elasticity, efficiency and the strategic value that is offered by cloud native architecture.

SPM was further enhanced in to support RedHat OpenShift Container Platform.

Since version SPM supports Red Hat OpenShift, and this runbook describes how to use CodeReady Containers (CRC) for development purposes.

This Runbook is a guide (not a pre-requisite), and a starter pack to help engineering teams in deploying Merative SPM on Kubernetes.

The associated Helm Charts and Dockerfiles provided with the runbook in Github are a suggested starting point, specially if you are not familiar with the architecture and constructs referred in the Runbook. Although Helm and Docker are mandatory technologies (see Prerequisite software), engineering teams are free to develop Helm Charts or Dockerfiles according to their own needs, either by changing/extending/customising our samples provided in Github or by creating their own from scratch.

Support for IBM Cloud Kubernetes Services (IKS) has now been removed. The supported prerequisites are updated to reflect this. See Prerequisite software