Merative Annotator for Clinical Data Container Edition


ACD configurable parameters

The following tables lists the configurable parameters available for ACD. Also see ACD Custom Resource for additional details on each configurable property.

YAML view

If using the web console, parameters are found under the YAML view:

YAML view

Form view

If using the web console, a subset of available parameters is found under the Form view:

Form view


If using the CLI, these parameters are configurable via the Acd custom resource:

license.acceptLicense acceptfalse
license.useLicense useDevelopment
replicasACD replicas3
annotators.advancedCareInsights.enabledAdvanced care insights annotator enabledtrue
annotators.attributeDetection.enabledAttribute detection annotator enabledtrue
annotators.conceptDetection.enabledConcept detection annotator enabledtrue
annotators.conceptDisambiguation.enabledConcept disambiguation annotator enabledtrue
annotators.conceptValueDetection.enabledConcept value detection annotator enabledtrue
annotators.hypotheticalDetection.enabledHypothetical detection annotator enabledtrue
annotators.modelBroker.enabledModel broker annotator enabledtrue
annotators.negationDetection.enabledNegation detection annotator enabledtrue
annotators.ontology.enabledOntology annotator enabledtrue
annotators.spellChecker.enabledSpell checker annotator enabledtrue
configurationStorage.backendConfiguration storage backend (file or cos)file
configurationStorage.file.persistentFile based configuration storage persistence enabledtrue
resources.limits.cpuLimit the number of virtual cores allocated to the ACD service""
networkPolicy.enabledEnable network isolation between pods within and outside of the namespace that ACD is installed into. Only the top-level ACD service is exposed through port 9443true
networkPolicy.ingress.fromSelectorsFurther restrict ingress access to ACD on port 9443 from other pods or namespaces using fromSelectors and labels. Requires networkPolicy to be enabled.

These additional configurable parameters may be provided when file-based storage (file) is used and configurationStorage.file.persistent is true:

configurationStorage.file.volume.existingClaimNameUse an existing persistent volume claim
configurationStorage.file.volume.sizePersistent volume size, e.g. 10Gi
configurationStorage.file.volume.supplementalGroupGroup ID for writeable access to file storage if other than root (0)

These additional configurable parameters must be provided when IBM Cloud Object Store (COS) is used for configurationStorage.backend:

configurationStorage.s3.bucketIBM Cloud Object bucket (Required)
configurationStorage.s3.endpointUrlIBM Cloud Object endpoint (Required)
configurationStorage.s3.locationIBM Cloud Object region (Required)

To update a configurable parameter using the CLI, do one of the following:

  1. Use the oc patch command to change the configuration for a specific parameter.


    oc patch -n ${acd_namespace} --type='merge' --patch "{\"spec\":{\"annotators\":{\"hypotheticalDetection\":{\"enabled\":false}}}}"
    oc patch -n ${acd_namespace} --type='merge' --patch "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\":1}}"

    Note: The oc scale command can also be used for scaling replicas.

  2. Use the oc edit command to change multiple configuration parameters. Edit the specific parameters and save the changes.


    oc edit -n ${acd_namespace}