Merative Annotator for Clinical Data Container Edition


The relation annotator is intended to be used in conjunction with the concept detection annotator to identify related concepts in unstructured text. The relationship annotator will identify concepts with a defined relationship in either UMLS or a custom ontology that exist with the same sentence.


relationship_configurationsThe name of the relationship configurations that identify the relationships to detect.

Annotation Types

  • relations


typeThe type of relationship that exists between the concepts.
sourceThe name of the ontology that defines the relationship.
nodesThe nodes identifies the related concepts. Nodes includes an entity for each concept that was related. An identifier is provided in the uid field that can be link back to the concept.

Sample Response

Sample response from the relation annotator for the text: She is taking ibuprofen to help with her pain.

It references the concepts for ibuprofen and pain as having both the may_prevent and the may_be_prevented_by relationship.

"unstructured": [
"text": "She is taking ibuprofen to help with her pain.",
"data": {
"concepts": [
"cui": "C0020740",
"preferredName": "Ibuprofen",